This eco-friendly floss combines the strength of bamboo fibres with the detoxifying properties of activated charcoal. Glide through your teeth effortlessly while reducing waste. A sustainable choice for a cleaner, healthier smile.
Break off around 30cm and hold firmly between your thumb and index finger.Place the floss between two teeth and curve around the side of a tooth. Floss from the gum line up, repeating on each side. Continue flossing between all teeth.Always floss after meals to maintain good oral hygiene and healthy teeth and gums.
The product information on Pure and Natural Supplies website has been provided by the manufacturers and suppliers of these goods. Whilst we do our utmost to ensure that the content on the website is correct, we do rely on our suppliers to inform us of any product changes so that the website can be updated accordingly. Our role is to distribute the products, we do not offer a nutritional or product advice service. Please consult a healthcare professional before taking any of the supplements purchased from Pure and Natural Supplies.